入學須知 Admission
本校班別由唱遊班至GCSE中學會考班, 教授學生年齡由四歲至十八歲。每年九月份開學,課程以學年制,一年共三個學期。
家長如有意為貴子弟登記入讀唱遊班,請填寫以下的 「唱遊班查詢表格」。報名截止日期為二零二四年九月三十日,或於此日期前額滿即止。本校會跟進及聯絡已交回表格的家長,敬請留意電郵或電話!

唱遊班查詢表格: https://forms.gle/d6sFQx4fd68KPTGu5
如家長有意為貴子弟登記,請填寫下面的 「新生評估查詢表格」。於截止日期後,本校會跟進及聯絡家長。敬請留意電郵或電話!本校將不會為未登記之學生提供新生評估測試。
新生評估查詢表格: https://forms.gle/ZsxcNGnrxn8x41RF8
Our classes start from age 4 to 18, from Playgroup to GCSE. There are 3 terms in every academic year starting in September and finishing in July.
Playgroup Admission
To apply for our playgroup class, your child must be 4 years old on 31st August in the same year. Please fill out the “Playgroup Interest Enquiry Form” below and we will contact you regarding the next step. The closing date is on 30th September 2024, or when our playgroup class is fully subscribed before that date.
Playgroup Interest Enquiry Form: https://forms.gle/d6sFQx4fd68KPTGu5
Other Classes Admission
For other classes, your child will need to sit an Entry Assessment on the 4 skills sets: listening, speaking, reading and writing. They will be assigned to a suitable class according to their ability by the school. For academic year 2024-25, the New Student Entry Assessment will take place on Saturday 31st August 2024 at 10:30am. The deadline for the application will be on 22nd June 2024, or when places are fully subscribed before that date.
To apply, you must register your child to sit the New Student Entry Assessment. Harrow Chinese School will not be able to provide the New Student Entry Assessment for anyone not on the Entry assessment register.
Please fill out the "New Student Entry Interest Enquiry Form" below and we will contact you regarding the next step.